I have put together a list of workout routines you can do anywhere using bands! These are great to do at work, while traveling, or at home while the baby is napping!
Here's a really great Door Anchor Workout. It's long (52 minutes) but it's b/c I go through a bunch of different exercises you can do using the door anchor (lots of great back exercises in this one): https://youtu.be/C3uBbnKG004
10 Minute Workout with mini bands: https://youtu.be/QJxxV7ofIO0
14 Minute Full Body Workout with resistance bands (with the handles): https://youtu.be/s-tQm8Fhx6g
25 Minute Standing Butt Workout with mini bands: https://youtu.be/LH4ruXhEyfg
10 Minute Tricep Workout: https://youtu.be/iK0jipuP51g
Standing circuit for posture using the yellow mini band: https://youtu.be/XmcnvePwDr0
Quick Demo of Posture Circuit using the yellow mini band: https://youtu.be/L8JpjFy8_Tg
Montage of a bunch of different exercises you can do using the kit: https://youtu.be/DqdmoopVWhI
Another montage of exercise ideas: https://youtu.be/qW3zi5g6gTQ
Exercises and stretches to help with sciatica pain: https://youtu.be/xQT8YIr1y6Y
Montage of a back circuit workout: https://youtu.be/9Z-55FljNa8