Featured Courses

21 Day Challenge Back & Posture
$0.00 3 Sections 21 Lessons

This 21 day challenge focuses on the back and postural muscles. These muscles are often under activated and rarely trained properly. When muscles are weak, your body will compensate by forming bad movement habits and using the over activated muscles. This means you need to be doing correct exercises with proper form and CONSISTENT activation to see changes and alleviate back pain. 

For these workouts, you will need several pairs of dumbbells. I suggest light weights (5-8 lbs), medium weights (8-10 lbs), and heavier weights (12-20 lbs). This will help you effectively challenge each muscle group. I also suggest having light-medium resistance bands. These can be the type with handles or the long strips of rubber. 

I have added in some rest days throughout the 21 days. Use these days to work other body parts, or you can use these as make--up days if you're fallen behind in the challenge. 

21 Day Challenge Butts & Guts
$0.00 3 Sections 21 Lessons

This 3 week program will effectively hit the glutes from all angles to help shape and tone the booty! There's also lots of great core work thrown in too. Most of the workouts are done on the floor. Many movements require no equipment, but you'll need some dumbbells and mini bands to train the glute muscles in some of the workouts. You can use inexpensive mini loop rubbery bands or a Hip Circle fabric band. 

21 Day Challenge Total Body
$0.00 3 Sections 21 Lessons

This 3 week challenge effectively works the full body. These circuit routines train the upper body, lower body, and core. As long as you have a couple sets of dumbbells, you will be able to do all of the workouts. These workouts range in length from 20 minutes to 50 minutes. 

If you are too sore one day, take a day off and make it up later. 

This is a great way to kick start your metabolism, build muscle, and burn fat!

Pregnancy Program
$0.00 4 Sections 83 Lessons

Did you know that working out during pregnancy means you’re less likely to suffer from common pelvis and lower back pain?

It can also help you gain a more appropriate weight during pregnancy.

Some of the benefits of staying active during pregnancy are: reducing the risk of preeclampsia, gestational diabetes, unplanned c sections, increasing energy and boosting mood, improving sleep quality, easing constipation and bloating, enhancing overall mental wellness, reducing hip, lower back, and pelvis pain, and having stronger endurance , which can help lead to a shorter active labor.

Just 20 minutes of moderate exercise 3 times a week can enhance your baby's brain development, as per a University of Montreal study.

Pregnancy workouts not only keep your body healthy, but they also work wonders for your brain! Exercise boosts mood, vitality, and overall well-being while reducing brain shrinkage and enhancing cognitive function. How cool is that?!

Working out during pregnancy also means you’re more likely to have a quicker and smoother recovery postpartum.

This is not the time for extreme workouts. Focused, intentional movement that helps set you up for a healthy pregnancy and better recovery is the goal of this program.

This program is broken up into 4 sections: Intro, 1st trimester, 2nd trimester, 3rd trimester. 

The workouts include some traditional exercises and lots of specific movement beneficial for pregnancy, such as diaphragmatic breathing, posture correction, deep core activation, mobility work, and more. Because our core canister is all connected from our diaphragm, abdominals, hip flexors and pelvic floor, we will be working on a whole body approach. This is way more focused than just doing kegels or bird dogs! 

The routines are shorter in length so that it's easier to fit them in if you're busy or tired.

Recommended equipment:

mat or carpet

dumbbells (light, medium, heavy)

long, light resistance band (not too heavy)

pilates ball or squishy playground ball

bench or sofa or ottoman

loop band for above the knees (fabric Hip Circle band or rubber mini loop) light to medium resistance

Disclaimer and Warnings:

Check with your healthcare provider before beginning this or any exercise program. BekahFit is for information purposes only and not meant to treat, cure, diagnose or heal any diseases, illnesses, ailments, physical injuries or abnormalities. 

You exercise at your own risk and take full responsibility for how your body responds to these or any exercises. You agree to hold BekahFit not liable for any and all injuries that might occur or possibly occur as a result of your movements.

BekahFit is based on my education and personal experience. Not every program or exercise is right for every person. Proper execution of the exercises is necessary to prevent injury and to see results. This program is not a substitute for any kind of professional advice. Stop any exercise if you feel discomfort or dizziness and consult your healthcare provider immediately. Do not do this program if you have any pre-existing health or orthopedic conditions. If you do choose to do this program, you agree to not hold Bekah or BekahFit responsible for any illness, injury or issue that results from the program. 

By participating in this or any program created by BekahFit, you expressly acknowledge that you have read this disclaimer, and you have received your health care provider's permission/clearance to participate in the program.